Tuesday 16 November 2010

Audience Theories

When researching our target audience, I felt it would be important to look at different ideas that theorists have came up with about how the media can influence audiences.

Hypodermic Syringe
This idea comes from around 80 - 90 years ago when the media first starting becoming big. The idea is that films and television act like a syringe, injecting their ideas straight into the audience. For example, it was thought that after watching a horror film that the audience would act violent afterwards.

Two Step Flow
This model differs from the hypodermic syringe as it doesn't state that we automatically take on the ideas from the media, but we discuss what we see with others first and then decide how we respond.

Uses and Gratifications
The five categories that fit into this theory are
- Interaction
- Identity
- Information
- Escapism
- Entertainment
I think that our music video will help our audience most with identity as we are giving solutions to a problem that is faced by a vast majority of people in our target audience.

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