Tuesday 22 February 2011

Album Promo Posters

As part of our ancillary task, we have to create a poster for our song. Using panicposters.com I looked at some posters that have been used for other artist's singles. As the song we have picked is in the pop genre, I clicked on the pop category of the website so I could look at similar artist's work. One that stood out for me was the promo poster for Lily Allen's single, Littlest Things.

The poster is split into two sections, the bigger section is a picture of Lily Allen dressed in quite a 50's style outfit but with cartoon tall buildings behind her which is quite modern. At the bottom of the picture of her is a box with the title of the song in it, again in quite 50's style writing which is quite tall and thin. The logo she uses on her album is in the top corner of the picture which just says her name in quite bold writing, which stands out even though its quite small. The bottom section of the poster is probably half the size of the other part but contains a lot more writing and information. Again, the title of the song is used again in the same font, but this time much bigger. Below is the release date of the single, which the actual day is red compared to the majority of black writing on the rest of the page. Again, this stands out on the page but also fits in with the colour scheme of the poster. Underneath this is a short message about how you can preorder the single using your mobile phone, this is wrote in white writing with a red background which is different from the rest of the poster, the red background also indicates to the reader that its important to read. Underneath the border, right at the bottom of the poster, is the record label logo which is in quite big, bold writing which again stands out.

Again, Susan analysed work by Lily Allen and Lady Gaga, to see the poster analysis, click here.

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